1/8 Haul - LE

Going in order from left to right we got: (BTW this is my 1st purchase with this vendor)

Flapjacks Tropsanto Mango runtz

Ok now I understand what people were talking about when they smell that garlic. Boi was I fucking wrong. This is STANKING. where do I even begin… flapjacks smells amazing coming from their Quad A section. Nugs are small but not too small and kinda sticky. Tropsanto has that Immediate garlic punch smell. No doubt about it is that color that jumps out at you. I’m a fein when it comes down to color. ESPECIALLY fucking purple. Sticky aswell not dry to the touch. Also from their Quad A section. Mango runtz smells like fruit. Honestly speaking if you were to put a sweet salad that my mother made over the holidays I can compare that smell to this one. Probably the densest nugs out of all three. This is coming from their Double A section.

Pleased to say that I’m very satisfied with my order. I got more coming in from VG/TSHC/WF/SM. Be in tuned when those babies deliver.