Still feeling only-friendly with him but if I get another sign...

I have an idea of how I want to confess that's both low pressure on him and me. I'll still do it in person because from what I've heard and read that should be how you do it...

Of course, I'm considering the fact it may be awkward between us for a while if he rejects me, especially because we have a lot of mutual friends, and I'm friends with his family. But I'll try to reflect that understanding in my confession. So here's the idea...

We get invited often to the same events/parties/hangouts, right? Well, I was thinking at the end of one of these, before I leave (since he tends to leave last most of the time), I'm going to approach him. I'll say "Hey, I'm about to head out but can I ask you about something real quick?" And try and pull him away from everyone. I was then thinking I could have my number written down to hand over to him since I don't have it yet... And then tell him.

I'll probably add that I want to remain friends if he doesn't reciprocate but... Yeah that's the idea. I don't think I'm quite ready to confess yet, I want to work on being a little more obvious with him first before I step up to it- Cause I am easily a nervous wreck LOL