nitro finally trusts me. story time!

this is nitro! i have had him for about a year. now most of you might question why he is so little. i do not know. all i know is that my baby is slowly gaining weight and has stolen my heart. he eats and poops regularly.

aside the point, i was given nitro by a friend of mine who kept him in a dorm room with multiple other animals. nitro was shown off and multiple people would hold him until one day one of the girls threw him across the room…

ever since i got nitro i try to respect him and not stress him out so i do not handle him at all. he is very scared of humans and i do my best to just take care of him with the least amount of interaction.

hence last night, i noticed some dirt and stuck shed caked to his face. i decided it was time to finally take him out and try my best to get it with a wet q tip…he was so gentle and walked right onto my hand without any problems. i even offered him food and water as a distraction but he didn’t care at all for that. he let me get the stuck shed and dirt off of him and then went right back into his enclosure.

i think me letting him do his own thing for a while signified that i mean no harm to him and he trusts me now. he is most definitely my gecko with the most personality.