Creature Commandos Season 1: Great Season with a Garbage Finale

Let's start off with the good, mainly because there is a lot of good stuff in this show. To start off, I love how the set-up of each episode focuses on each characters origins. My favorite backstory is The Bride and Frankenstein, but if I had to pick a single episode's backstory, it'd be a toss-up between Dr.Phosphophorous and GI Robot.

I'm expecting that, if they go beyond Season 2 and stretch it further out, we're gonna see more in-depth looks into each of the characters. I'm genuinely curious about the origins of the mummy, the woman-bat, and Man-Shark that we see at the end of the finale, since I don't think we've ever seen their origins yet.

I'm also hoping that we see the return of Rick Flag Sr. since I feel like they were keeping him alive to use him in Season 2. Maybe have him hang out with Frankenstein and become co-leaders of the Commandos alongside the bride, feel like that'd make sense.

To be honest, I feel like a big part of the reason I don't like this finale is that I don't like seeing babies in pain. I think I understand what Gunn was going for when he did that, but I don't exactly agree with the execution.

Not only that, but I'm pretty sure there's actual surgeries out there that help people with the medical issues that Nina has. I felt like they were gonna recon it her backstory to say she had a connection to Atlantis or something. That would've made more sense than "medical procedure gone horribly awry".

Then, when Nina's Dad gets her into a school of elites, the school is naturally bullying her. But honestly, I feel like this should just be the norm since I'm pretty sure people knew that Aliens and Atlantians existed at this point, so I don't know. I'd just assume her Dad would've taken the upmost care to put her in the best possible school with classmates that would understand her.

What I was sincerely curious about, more than anything else, was what it exactly Nina did to end up in jail. They just kinda glossed over that fact and it shines a light on how the Creature Commandos don't seem to be getting time off their sentences like the members of the Suicide Squad did. It just kinda breaks the whole thing.

Another thing, I hate how Nina died without doing being able to contribute to the Commandos in any way. The only thing she did is hide underwater for a minute and get stabbed in the belly right before Waller called off the mission. There really wasn't a reason for her to be there, and I don't know why the Princess needed to swim in a pond in the first place.

GI Robot is back, and I'm glad about that, but I don't like the extra bulk they put on him so I'm hoping he slowly loses that extra bulk over the course of Season 2.