Deporting those who are not legally supposed to be here doesn't seem that bad to me?

So I'm framing this as both an opinion and a question piece for those who may disagree.

Opinion: I think deporting those who are not legally supposed to be here doesn't seem bad.

Reasoning: There are/were legal avenues to get in even if they weren't the most ideal. Breaking the law by coming in illegally or overstaying is a risk these people chose to make for them and their families. Which for all I know was a better risk to take then staying where they were for some but the risk of getting kicked back out should have been expected/calculated for yeah?

Caveats/Things to note

1: I can acknowledge that deportation may be just while also feeling sympathy for the families. I understand that they likely do these things illegally with good reason as violence in places like Mexico from the cartel is fucked.

2: I don't agree with any wrongful grabbings. Like they grabbed a bunch of native Americans for deportation which is absolute horse-shit. They were here long before us we can't just kick them out.

3: Birth right Citizenship and Trumps attempt to make it not a thing is unconstitutional and if it goes through we really are fucked.

A request: If you think deporting those who aren't aren't supposed to be here is bad explain to me why you think this way like I'm five. If you have a source for why throw it my way as the only negative I've seen against it with my searching so far have been economic when I've looked for answers. But when I see people argue about it there tends to be some moral argument that I don't understand?

Thank you/fuck you in advance.

An edit: I'm quickly starting to realize that those economic reasons I was seeing IS a major part of why it's potentially so bad. That and how it's done and if it can be done ethically. Thanks to those who replied do far