Stuck in a verification role - need advice
I joined a Control Laws team at a large, legacy aerospace company in mid 2023 a couple of months after graduating with a bachelor's in AE. This was at a newly opened office for the company, thus everyone in the team was a recent hire even if many were senior engineers with previous experience at other companies. The vision that had been communicated to me was that this new site would support the development of some programs that were headed by the main engineering office of the company.
After almost two years, however, our team has pretty much settled in doing only verification work - running simulations and analyzing the results to see if the requirements are being met. This is mind-numbing bureaucratic drudgery to me. Design and analysis work is kept strictly out of our responsibility, to the point we aren't even granted access to the servers where design and analysis artifacts are stored. I have done some internal tool development and scripting out of my own volition - management understands this as a diversion from my main job - just so I could scratch an itch for technically interesting work, but it's not enough.
As a result of this, I feel stuck regarding my professional development. I want to be granted more responsibility and more interesting work but I don't foresee this happening anytime soon at this company. At the same time, I feel like the experience I have earned at this company isn't marketable for mid levels positions while I have too much experience for entry-level, graduate jobs, such that I have struggled getting interviews. My pay and WLB is fine, it's just that I feel like this is a dead-end job. What should I do?