his simple fix was there all along 😭
I can't believe this. Chronic severe constipation for months now (I know the cause it's okay don't worry lol) I tired everything. I mean anything you can name in the comments I tried. Natural remedies, pharmaceutical, diet changes, lifestyle changes, etc. Always combined, not just one at a time. The only thing that ever worked was saline enema. My partner suggested I eat some grapes (I had been trying everything else all week with barely any movement AT ALL, none in the prior few days)I laughed at him. I said "sure, that'll work as well as (insert all the bs remedies that only treat very mild constipation)" but hey, I'll try anything, I'm miserable. Ate a bunch of them & it worked overnight. HOW???? Ain't no way. I DON'T GET IT lol
******TLDR: chronic severe constipation for months, tried everything, partner suggested grapes. I laughed. When even the last ditch effort diarrhea inducing treatments did nothing? Worked like a charm. Can't believe it's been here all along 😭 how?? Why???
Edit to add: Didn't realize I had to add this
• Do you have the urge to go, but you cannot? Or do you have zero urge to go? (this is the most important question) ●zero urge
• Do you have alternating diarrhea and constipation, or just constipation? ●Just constipation
• Do you have nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, difficulty swallowing, or early satiety (getting full really early into a meal)? ●Nausea + vomiting which may be unrelated.
•Have you had this issue since childhood, or did it begin in teen years/adulthood/after a major life event (surgery? divorce? car accident? mauled by bears?) ●Teen
• Did you in the past or do you currently take any medications that could damage your intestines? The acne drug Accutane/Sotret/Claravis/many other names (isotretinoin) has been linked to serious conditions of the digestive tract. I am absolutely convinced that my large intestine was destroyed by this drug. Antibiotics are also a major culprit in ruining the small intestine microbiome and causing diarrhea/constipation disorders. Antidepressants can ruin the serotonin balance in the gut as well. ●•Suboxone (BIG culprit) •Lamictal •gabapentin •vyvanse •klonopin as needed
• Did you suffer sexual abuse as a child? There is a high degree of correlation between childhood sexual abuse and adult constipation disorders. Meaning, a lot of people with chronic constipation disorders in adulthood experienced trauma when they were young. This sort of thing must be investigated by both your doctor and a therapist in coordination. Do some Googling on this topic if you believe this might be your issue. ●Yes