December bill just came in, claiming 25% higher usage than last month, and now $694

I also noticed that a service rate change went from $0.08995/kWh last month to $0.1190/kWh this month, because Eversource increased their rates almost 3c/kWh for the next 6 months.

Last month we were at $670, and I almost lost my hair! I went around the house looking at every single appliance, measuring it meticulously with 24x7 monitoring through my Emporia and nearly every device in the home is plugged into a Sonoff S31 smart plug (flashed with Tasmota to expose the metrics endpoint) and the current usage is graphed in real-time through Prometheus and Grafana dashboards.

We've been super, super aggressive about power savings now. Not a single light in the house is AC powered, they're all motion sensitive, battery powered, recharged from solar panels every week, lights stationed in every room.

The washer and dryer were replaced, costing $3k to replace, but saving 4,500kWh/load, from the 10-year old "efficient" Samsung pair I had before. Now the heat-pump dryer maxes out at 700W-800W while running a load, not 4,500W like it did previously.

I don't even use the dryer anymore, I pull the clothes out of the washer and hang them up to dry on racks (side benefit is I increase humidity in the house which is already dryer in winter). My daughter uses the washer and dryer a few times a week though.

I don't even recharge my laptop or phones using AC power, that too, is recharged via battery banks that get replenished every day from the ground mount solar system (fully air-gapped from the main structure of the house).

I've turned the furnace down from 70° to 68°, and it's using the Gen2 Nest thermostat (no phone-home, no Google integration) which shows it's only running at most, 3-4 hours/day, when heat is needed.

Other than completely shutting off the hot water heater and not doing laundry, I'm not sure where else to gain savings.

According to the data, my hot water heater consumed 511kWh last month, so that's definitely on the list to replace.

My biggest struggle, is that while I have the replacement hot water heater sitting in the basement in its original box (thank you Eversource for the $700 cash credit towards its purchase), not a single plumber or HVAC technician will install it, because they didn't buy it, and can't mark up the price to sell it back to me.

I've called over 47 separate businesses and plumbers who have all refused to install it. They can, however, install a new hot water heater for me, if I buy it directly from them. Hard no.

I'll have to learn how to PEX/SharkBite my way into replacing the old one with this one, after cutting out the old copper. That alone, should at least cut the usage of that appliance by half or more.

The next highest consumer is my office, which ate 413kWh last month, but my office runs 24x7 (and must), despite the whole entire office consuming a max of 400W continuous, and running most days from solar as well, when we have enough sun to replenish the battery system that powers it.

Even with all of that, my power bill continues to climb. It's getting close to a second mortgage at this point.