Un-Banning Cauliflower - An Easy Decision
I was able to meet and connect with u/LongCauliflower6791
After some 1 on 1 discussion, we have determined that he is not a human.
He is a Cauliflower.
He apologized for not heeding our warnings and has agreed to reduce his posting efforts.
In an effort to help u/LongCauliflower6791 from tripping our spam detection, he will be given an arsenal of top secret tipping weapons to help his efforts.
How did we determine that he is a Cauliflower?
- Post history indicates this user posts around the clock and doesn't sleep.
- Post history has cauliflower upvote behavior
- Tipping transactions indicate that he's tipping up to 2 times per second, which is only possible from a cauliflower