Do away with rank resets. They are just objectively and categorically a net negative to the game.
They suck. They're uncompetitive. They gaslight you into thinking you're better or worse than you are. They disproportionately force loss streaks on below-average players who got pushed up to G2, which is where ~60% of the players are anyway (Bronze: 4.5%, Silver: 20.2%, Gold: 36.7%). They take away any achievment above-average players have grinding for a rank by kicking you back down. They don't embolden you "wow I got masters and the ranks just reset! I bet I can do it again!" It's "Wow, I worked my ass off for 3 seasons to get masters, and now I'm back down to Diamond and have to ***** do it again? I'm gonna go play Elden Ring."
What ever engagement algo they were looking at that that incentivized them to push the resets, they need to scrap. The S9 changes happened a while ago and since it's been some time, I can firmly say that I hate every change they made to the resets and distributions. The ranking system FEELS like suck. It doens't matter what it's supposed to do on paper, it FEELS like suck, man. Just do away with it. I will die on this hill.
I don't have an alternative to them. Ranting isn't constructive. But I got nothing. I just don't want to feel that bite every 6 months. I don't want to work hard and be scrapped repeatedly. idk. Blizzard might praise their matchmaker on Spilo's interviews, but their actual ranked SR system itself is sloppy.