Is cEDH a healthy / balanced format?

On the one hand, the number of viable decks is greater than any other constructed format. I don't think any other format has ever had 20+ different decks winning major tournaments in the span of a few months.

In addition, there is usually some degree of flexibility in each list. In 60 card formats, the top lists are frequently identical or differ by 1 or 2 cards. In cEDH, two winning lists using the same commander can still be 10+ cards off from each other.

On the other hand, cEDH is essentially defined by a single archetype - combo. The decks attempting to play control are often using the same win conditions and even the same control pieces as every other deck. Even the decks that we call "midrange" are just combo decks that happen to play the same 3-4 card draw engines so they can still win after the first few turns.

There are no tribal decks like elves or merfolk or eldrazi. There are no dedicated strategies like reanimator or lands or enchantress or tempo decks. And it seems the general consensus is that there is no room for these types of strategies.

If the best playable decks in Legacy for the past several years had been limited to Doomsday, The Epic Storm, Oops All Spells, Cephalid Breakfast, and Show and Tell then we'd consider the format to be in a bad place.

TL,DR: cEDH has more diversity than any other format, but only one archetype is represented (combo). The nature of the format forces you to be proactive and often punishes traditional interaction, even when it gives you an advantage like a 2-for-1 trade.
