Airdropped MG spam. Why is it not removed after such a long time of cheese?
I cannot understand why a zero CP airdropped MG unit is in this game. It creates horrendous gaming experience in 1000+ ELO with teams of MG spammers.
They melt down half tracks before a flame thrower can even inflict any serious damage. And then they get supported by bazooka squads.
Seriously, get rid of this unit or lock it behind 1CP. I'll keep dropping from games as soon as i see it happening. Not wasting my time on cheese when i bought a game to play intense battles.
E: There seems to be players who most likeley themselves use this spam tactic who are offended that i don't Play their way or allow them to play it by dropping at the first sign of their spamming.
I'm not here for your sympathy. I'm here to tell you that there is no natural counter if you play DAK and i will punish spamming by dropping. Keep spamming and i'll keep dropping. Simple as that.
I even drop when i see allies spamming airborne MG's.
You can't escape it.