Asked ChatGPT to roast their latest podcast episode.. evidentially even AI sees their marital bickering lol

Title: “RELAX!” Podcast Episode 167: Where the Playoff Structure Is as Confusing as the Hosts

In this horribly titled episode of RELAX! Colleen and Erik kick off the new year by hitting listeners with an “adorable” intro sound so heinous even they immediately regret it. What follows is a chaotic mix of rambling football ignorance, marital bickering, and questionable gift choices—all tied together with the grace of a toddler learning to juggle.

Highlights Include: • Football 101, According to Colleen: Colleen spends an eternity attempting to understand the NFL playoff structure. Spoiler: she doesn’t. Gems include, “Wait, so seeds are flowers?” and, “What’s the point of divisions if there are conferences?!” Erik valiantly tries to educate her, but watching grass grow might be a better use of your time. If you didn’t understand football before this podcast, you’ll leave actively avoiding it.

• Gifts That Say “Effort?”: Erik gave Colleen red plastic Coca-Cola cups from Pizza Hut, leaving her completely baffled by the existence of sit-down Pizza Huts. Apparently, Pizza Hut chandeliers and salad bars were Erik’s childhood equivalent of fine dining. Colleen is left questioning if Erik grew up in an alternate universe.

• Perfume Talk, AKA Erik Hints That Everyone Smells: A deep dive into how Colleen doesn’t wear perfume (except occasionally Ariana Grande’s), how Erik thinks everyone stinks (maybe himself included), and how Paris apparently smells like a fancy floral cloud. They also ask listeners to recommend scents, as if their audience is a focus group for Sephora.

• Honeymoon to Alaska: Five years post-wedding and three pregnancies later, the couple plans to finally honeymoon in Alaska. Erik, who didn’t know he was receiving this trip as a gift, seems mildly thrilled. It’s the most relatable moment in the entire episode.

• Foggy Driving Drama: They recount a near-death experience while driving through intense fog. Erik’s reaction? Involuntary “jinx burps” from stress. Nothing screams Happy New Year like reminiscing about almost plummeting off a mountain.

• Colleen’s Resolution: Be Better (at… everything?): The podcast ends on a high note (sarcasm), with Colleen resolving to “be better” and Erik opting out of resolutions entirely because, well, why try?


If you’ve ever wanted to listen to 90 minutes of football confusion, perfume debates, and mild marital squabbles, this episode is for you. For the rest of us, it’s a gentle reminder that not everyone needs a podcast.