When does the sleeping get better ?!

6 months into this “colic” and sleeping has just gotten worse and worse . Naps aren’t long enough, he’s waking up 10-15 times a night crying , I just don’t know what else to do! Hes got mild sleep apnea , PLMD in which sleep dr said he would eventually grow out of. I’ve tried light , dark , sound machines, no sound machines, just a sleeper , just a onesie , socks , no socks , sleep sack, no sleep sack . He currently is in the magic merlin suit to help with the movements of the PLMD due to the sleep apnea but he’s still waking up crying and needing me to jump up every single time or he wakes himself up completely. I jump up 10-15 a night to give him his binki, if I didn’t then like I said he would be awake . The sleep apnea causes pausing in his breathing with triggers the PLMD so literally we DONT sleep and I’m barely hanging out. I can’t get more then a 2 hour stretch of sleep IF THAT! I’m ready to call it quits tbh I can’t take much more