Get your money from COINBASE ASAP

I have held a relatively small amount of money/crypto on Coinbase for years now. I got injured several years ago, while I was still working, so I moved back in with my folks and saved up some money by doing so. Invested in crypto, held throughout the years, never cashed out anything. Now I got KYC mail from Coinbase. I understand its a requirement, I immediately followed through, sent salary payslips, send proof of several payments from my parents when I was supported by them, send all the possible documentation I could and explained everything in detail.

I get an email that the info is incomplete, please send more detailed explanations and more documents...Uh...I explaain to them that I didnt invest 100 000s of thousands of dollars, I invested less than 5k, how much more info of money source can I possibly provide? Ok, so I send them payslips from my previous employers as well, update more detailed info.

Then again, the same email, they need more... I literally explain my entire life story this time, about my injury, how and why I recieved money from my parents, provide them with proof of payment, dates and everything, I provide MORE paysliips from a few years back in the company... Still not enough.

Now I get a feeling Coinbase is just looking to lock peoples acounts for no reason, just so they can keep our money for a while longer, and people cant cash out on top.

I honestly am beyond frustrated, because I literally have no more documents to show, nothing to prove. I shared the most detailed and private parts of my life in hope that would clear out why I was given money. I feel like there is no privacy, it was completely violated, and KYC that should have only required last few payslips turned into so much more and horribly frustrating.

I have never been so dissapointed and frustrated with a company. This is a warning to everyone to take their stuff to a cold wallet, or choose another company that does their business better.