Payment pending?

I wanted to jump on the XRP train, so I joined Coinbase.

Spent $200 on XRP, and added $200 cash for more.

Yesterday it was saying “Payment Pending” so I waited until the money actually came out of the account. Two separate $200 transactions processed from my bank. Ok, cool, so now I can buy more XRP? No.

It still says Payment Pending, and I can’t use the $200 that was deposited into the cash tab of “my assets”. I’m so confused, what am I waiting for? Why can’t I use the $200 that has clearly been removed from my bank into Coinbase. Is this normal for crypto? I thought this was going to be simple… any suggestions for services like Coinbase that aren’t complete dogshit?

And don’t even get me started on the customer support, 724 minute wait time, really?