The veneration concept isn’t that bad, but…

The extra revive cost isn’t a great way to do it. This is just gonna make revive prices rise, and make the gap between poor players and rich players more extreme. Though I get the thought behind it. The extra cost isn’t to make the grind feel momentous, but I think it could be done differently.

Now I doubt they’ll ever implement this, but one thing I do like about beasts of Bermuda, is that if you wish to revive a slot, there’s an option to sacrifice another slot to bring that one back. I feel like they could implement something similar for this veneration thing to give an alternate option to dumping 2-5 revives on a single creature. That way it still takes time and effort to revive the slot but you don’t have to solely rely on revives.

You could also have an elder slot be sacrificed so that they revive at 200 but lose veneration progress.

This is mostly just brain storming alternative things for it. But I genuinely think the mechanic beyond that is pretty solid.