Claude is SO freaking cool

Recently I have connected its Brave Search and GitHub API features (the MCP stuff) and have had a blast.

I prompted it to create me a full-stack data analytics project, which it did in less than 2 hours.

I always make sure to use 3.5 Sonnet (Pro) in a way that I make it prompt itself in a written document before the long chat caps me out for hours. That way, I can start a new chat and upload the file to continue where I left off.

I have heard that starting new chats helps prevent you from getting limit rated. Is that true?

I think the GitHub API is key to help reduce hallucinations, because you can have it look at the code. I like to think this reduces its chance of "forgetting" the code that it is working on. However, I'm sure this is far from perfect.

Anyway, I just had it summarize my next buildout goals. I also had it write its future prompt, and have it write another document that demonstrates how I can set up CICD with GitHub Actions, all the way to Netlify and Render if I wanted to really pad up my project with a bunch of test gates.

What's the coolest thing you've made so far? Frankly, I'm just trying to make it make me employed again. I just got laid off lol.