New Sonnet 3.5 is extremely lazy, greedy and unusable for long complex writing tasks (i.e long 2-5k word long instructions).
It's impossible to make it write even 1k word long replies consistently, not even talking about 4k or 7k word lengths which were easily achievable with the previous snapshot and even with the 3.0 models with a bit of wrangling. The new model however always stops in the middle of the output with something dumb and irrelevant like: Continuing without breaking, following the scenario's progression…; Continuing without stopping; Would you like me to proceed with writing the full story?; etc. and etc.
Literally meaningless gibberish just to make you spend more tokens. I don't understand why they had to train it this hard into this interruption obsessed behavior. The only guess I have: to increase the amount of calls to gain more money by forcing user to spam his context multiple times for a single long reply.
And it's such a big shame considering that they finally managed to improve it's creativity and made it produce actually somewhat different replies compared to the original sonnet 3.5 which has a 0 temperature problem. Yes I tried using many-shot examples (filled up to 40k tokens), positive, negative ones, multiple reinforcements in System message and multiple confirmations in prefill. It's all useless or way too random at best.
This snapshot seems smarter than the previous one yet it acts so unbelievably dumb in this particular regard which is honestly amusing and makes me strongly believe that they spent a lot of resources on training it to act like this specifically.