Learn this important technique before doing this!

Fireball Rocketloons Attack Guide | Base Dissection

Ever wondered how pros and high league players pull off crazy attacks like Fireball Rocketloons or Super Barbarians? Well… at least before the update. (It’s still nearly the same now.)

Watching these attacks can seem insane because of how much is happening at once, but this guide will break down how it works—and why it sometimes doesn’t.

Let's start from here.

Step 1: Learning to Dissect Bases - Before anything else, you need to master funneling. Once you’ve got that down, the next step is learning how to divide bases into sections or compartments.

Check Photo 2 & 3—these bases are split into four sections, and each hero (plus the siege) has a role to do for the attack.

The idea is simple: reduce defenses as heroes push forward and eventually meet at the core.

You can’t just drop heroes all at once—you need patience and timing! (IMPORTANT)

Can You Use More or Fewer Than 4 Sections? - Yes! Some bases work better with 2, 3, or even 5+ sections, depending on the layout.

For 2 or 3 sections: Some heroes might work together. (Example: King, Queen, and a Log Launcher grouped up to take out the core.)

  • In this case, the Warden walks the opposite side "Preferably" or joins in if it helps.

For 5+ sections:

Siege Barracks & Flame Flinger are the most solid choice. Otherwise, Yeti Blimp can work too.

Check Photo 4: a 5-sectioned base example. (Also, it's a Flame Flinger in yellow, not a Firespitter😂)

Step 2: Fireball’s Role and Hero equipments

The Fireball is what makes this attack strong. It lets the Grand Warden solo at least 30-40% of the base while wiping out major defenses in the core.

What Equipment Should You Use?

Minimum Requirements for TH17 & TH16:

At least Max TH14 Hero Levels (80/80/55/30)

The higher the levels, the better this works.

Grand Warden: Fireball: LVL 24 (6th tile radius unlocked new update) Rage Gem: LVL 12

Archer Queen: Healer Puppet: LVL 15 Giant Arrow: LVL 15 (If used with 4 Earthquakes for the Town Hall) Magic Mirror: LVL 18

Barbarian King: EQ Boots: LVL 15 Spiky Ball: LVL 21 Rage Vial: LVL 10 Giant Gauntlet: LVL 18

Royal Champion: Any equipment combination (LVL 15 & ABOVE)

For TH15 & Below:

If you're TH15 or below, you can drop 3 levels minimum on most gear except:

Healer Puppet and Magic Mirror still need to be at 15/18 respectively.

Fireball is still viable at LVL 18-21 even after the 5 tile nerf.

Regarding the Attack’s Hit Rate

Fireball Rocketloons is one of the best attacks—it’s all about skill, not entirely on luck. (Some but not all)

If you plan it right, your chances of a 3-star are super high especially when you get used to it.

Step 3: Choosing the Right Base for This Attack

  1. Look for Fireball value—Is there a juicy spot where Fireball can clear big defenses? A good rule of thumb is "at least" 3 major defenses.

  2. Check the value of other heroes—Are they getting enough done?

  3. Consider the base type:

  4. Closed bases? Fireball Rocketloons is a great option.

  5. Open bases? Super Barbarians might be better. But it can work both ways as long as you have enough hero value.

  6. Confidence check—Are you comfortable using this army on the base or perhaps you lose focus and get nervous esp when someone is spectating? (Experience will cure this)

Pros & Cons

Pros: ✔ OP if you know what you’re doing ✔ You can adapt if something unexpected happens—unlike some other attacks where you just wait and pray ✔ Flexible—works on most bases ✔ Great for war/CWL ✔ Easiest 3-stars against Island bases ✔ Looks cool 😎


✖ High risk, high reward attack ✖ Weak if Fireball value is low ✖ Easy to bait for beginners ✖ Tough to use in Legends League (Do not use if your 3 star rate in war is low) ✖ Needs high multitasking skills

Picking the Best Pet for the Warden

Unicorn = Best overall for flexibility

Angry Jelly = Best if you want to Fireball deeper (Aggresive gameplay)

Frosty, Owl, Lizard = Decent choices for upgrading or lower townhalls.

Why Does the Attack Fail?

  1. Fireball didn’t get enough value (or got baited).
  2. Other heroes didn’t contribute enough.
  3. Wasted spells.
  4. Warden died too early.
  5. Time fail.
  6. Or just a bad plan and multitasking in general.

Important Notes for Success

  3. Heroes and troops can pull the Warden off target—don’t place them too close.
  4. If the Warden isn’t going where you want, use troops to guide him. (20+ Housing space)
  5. Rocketloons are NOT your main army—they’re just for cleanup and backup. The heroes carry this attack heavily.
  6. Mastery only creates consistency.
  7. Base dissecting is one of the most crucial thing a player must learn besides funneling and this does not apply to rocket balloons only.

That’s it! Hopefully, this makes the attack easier to understand. It takes practice, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be crushing bases. Not just that, once you've mastered base dissection and warden charge—

You can always switch up the rocketloons to anything else. And when I say anything else, yes anything else. Be it mass barbarians or archers. :)

This was supposed to be posted during CWL but unfortunately got a little too busy.

Since I cannot discuss each references here, you may watch the live attacks to get more visual info on what's happening based on the guideline I've created above. I'll be putting the link on the comment section if you are interested.

Thank you for reading.