Struggling to choose between 2022 touring L and 2021 touring L hybrid could use insight

Found a 2022 grey touring L FWD with 48k miles for $26k that I love and it’s pristine inside but also looked at a 2021 touring L 64k miles for $23k and a 2021 touring l hybrid 62k miles for $25k today.

Really struggling on choosing between the 2022 touring L that I love the color of, clean interior, and stowing seats for all the flexibility or trying to find a hybrid that’s not white or black and lower miles to save on gas which is crippling since we WANT to travel around for day trips or short car campings but I can’t afford it with current daily commute gas prices. $25k budget but $30k realistic budget after all fees licensing ect and I’m in the PNW

Can hybrid models be charged at stores with those charging stations too?