RFK Jr. Is Already Taking Aim at Antidepressants. (wanting to ban antipsychotics, ADHD meds and mood stabilizers) I wonder if he takes aim at some of these being prescribed for pain? Link in comment area.

UPDATE: Ok, I am reading everyone's comments, and I think I am a bit confused on some of the responses to my post. Let me just say that my SO and my elderly sister n law, and brother n law, as well as other family members are all on some of these medications that RFK, jr. is proposing to ban or make more difficult for people to get. My SO has been on a specific antidepressant for treatment resistant depression for going on 30 years now and it has helped him tremendously. My Sister n law has Schizoaffective disorder (with delusions) and is on a cocktail of an antipsychotics and other meds that have helped her tremendously and my brother n law, (her brother) has severe schizophrenia and he is on a myriad of medications to treat his schizophrenia. I have a family member with bipolar type I that is on Seroquel and some other meds that has kept them stable for years. So I am not advocating for these drugs to be banned at all. My question was more about whether RFK jr. (and I asked it facetiously) is if he was going to look at these meds with regard to the fact that Chronic pain patients are having drugs like Haldol pushed onto them for pain, chronic and acute, instead of the doctors giving opioid pain medications. I think it is insane that he is urging Trump to draw up a EO to ban some of these medications, AND I just read on Bluesky that RFK jr. wants to put disabled people/children with brain disorders/diseases back into hospitals for "reparenting education" instead of putting them on these meds. Insanity is all I can say about this.


Kennedy has also called people who take SSRIs addicts—and then tried to claim he didn’t during his confirmation hearings.

"But the document did zero in on another one of his fixations: a class of widely prescribed drugs that treat depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. The government, he said, would “assess the prevalence of and threat posed by the prescription of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antipsychotics, [and] mood stabilizers.”

Given that antidepressants and antipsychotics are being prescribed to pain patients for pain, I wonder if he is looking into that?