My new pain doctor freaked me out !

I saw a new pain doctor because I need RFA done on my cervical nerves. So I have been going to this clinic for 10 years off and on, mostly for RFA. My previous doctors have retired. All of my doctors including my new one are anesthesiologists. So he was reviewing my records regarding the drugs to put me in twilight sleep by IV during the procedure. He was amazed at the amount of drugs they give me, propanol. Fentanyl , and versed. He said those amounts would kill most people and stop their breathing. For reference, I wake up quickly after the procedure, even before I get off the table. Previous doctors have just told me I am a heavy hitter for drugs and metabolize drugs fast. I have never been told that these amounts would kill most people. This just added to my anxiety about the procedure. I hate needles by my spine. He said part of the problem is I am a natural redhead. Opioids pills do not work well for me either. I barely feel any effect. I am older and suffer from arthritis most everywhere. It is sad that nothing helps my daily pain. Anybody else experience this? It makes me real nervous to be put out after what he told me.