I'm tired of talking to a therapist because it's not like they can take my pain away which is the main reason my mental health sucks anyway. That and the fact that my family still doesn't believe me or care.

I sometimes don't see the point in going to therapy anymore when she can't help with my never ending fatigue and the fact that my body feels like it's turning to stone. The only reason i feel sometimes like I'm supposed to go to therapy is because everyone thinks my chronic illness is all in my head despite actually having a diagnosis. I don't feel like talk therapy has been helpful for me lately because why should I have to learn how to cope with my constant 24/7 pain and crishing fatigue when my family gets mad at me for trying to practice those coping methods and refuses to acknowledge that pain impacts me at all? Why am I the one who has to do it all? If they are so inconvenienced by my disabilities then why don't they have to go to therapy to learn how to cope with it or accept that their kid is disabled? 🙄 I'm really tired of going through everything alone and having to fight every single step of the way for even an ounce of respect and dignity in my life when there are other people in my family who have similar physical issues as me and get taken seriously, believed and supported immediately simply because they are older than me. Why do people STILL insist that young people don't ever have health struggles?