Does anyone else not clean, self-care, or cook?

I will start by saying I am privileged to not have food or environmental sensitivities that necessitate cooking for myself or maintaining a baseline level of clealiness. I am also privileged to be able to have a way of leaving the house, either by driving or accessibility transport shuttles when I can't drive.

I saw a post in ME/CFS about energy distribution and was a little surprised to see a lot of folks dedicating time and energy to cleaning, self-care, and cooking. Does anyone else just.... not? I don't have family members to care for so there's no forcing factor to do this stuff. This feels embarrassing to admit, but I just don't. I have no judgment or opinion if you do, I was wondering if anyone else out there does the same. I do other activities including hobbies and leisure, but I have minimized the time/energy I spend on cleaning, cooking, and self-care to 0-10% depending on the given week.

I buy cheap clothes and underwear, enough to stretch doing laundry once every 3-4 months. I use all-compostable or tossable plates. I eat mainly ready-meals or on bad days, I buy purees meant for babies and eat several of those, or protein energy drinks although I don't digest those well. I take out my garbage once a week, and that's about it. My house looks like a haunted house/hoarder house, and I have few visitors. I am ok with it unless I am forced to stay home on my bed days. Anyone else like this?