Really bugs me when people talk down on bread and water
My stomach can be very reactive, and bread and water are both delicious and safe for my stomach. They're probably my favorite safe foods.
There's a from scratch bakery close by (very easy walking distance for healthy people, so I sometimes draft my little brother to help) that has a pretty decent variety of baked goods, and my city's tap water is top-notch delicious.
I hate it when people trash talk bread and water. Usually bread isn't trashed unless in combo with water. But still!
I'm so grateful to be able to have tasty, easily accessible, and safe consumables, and it bugs the heck outta me when people are rude about them being "soooo plain" when eaten without add-ons.
Ughhhh! It drives me nuts when people say ish like that without even a beat of hesitation to consider how bloody rude they're being!
Thank you for putting up with my rant.
Was just having some delicious water and a piece of baguette and it brought up some memories. Grrrr!