If conservative Christians can impose laws banning gay marriage in a secular country on non-Christians, then can Hindus impose laws to ban eating beef for non-Hindus? Can Muslims propose requiring women wear hijabs? I can't imagine Christians would want to follow those laws.

This is a full post from a point which I made in an earlier comment. I'm not trying to call anyone out, in fact for the most part conservatives here seem to defend the separation of Church and State, but just trying to understand those who would support this.

If conservative Christians admit that the only basis for proposing laws in a secular country banning same-sex marriage is their religious dogmata––knowing well that they are imposing those doctrines on non-Christians––then they should also realize that other religions can therefore propose laws based on their specific doctrines, and Christians will be expected to follow them. (Now, I have heard one conservative claim to be able to argue against same-sex marriage from a secular legal perspective, but this is very, very uncommon.)

If conservative Christians can ban same-sex marriage for non-Christians and progressive Christians in a secular country, then does that mean Hindus can propose laws banning eating beef for non-Hindus? Or can Muslims propose laws requiring that women wear hijabs and banning eating pork for non-Muslims? I can't imagine Christians would be cool with following those laws. This is kind of how it feels for LGBTQ people when laws are imposed on them based on biblical doctrines which they personally don't adhere to.

Note: I do not count laws which happen to overlap with religious doctrines but which also apply to the secular, humanistic ethical framework which modern democracies are based on (like stealing/murdering/rape, etc.) Agree with it or not, secular ethics are anthropocentric, and work to maximize the equal happiness and quality of life of all citizens and reduce harm and suffering; the paths to happiness which are unacceptable are those which do harm to others, such as someone who takes joy in committing mass shootings. Gay marriage cannot be said to do such harm.