Why does Chess attract some of the scummiest people on the planet?

I’m not even exaggerating when I say some of the worst people I’ve ever encountered have been on chesscom. Here’s a list of the most common POS behavior I come across on a regular basis💩

  1. Disconnecting in the middle of a game whilst losing.
  2. Making racist remarks/putting other people down based on their place of origin.
  3. Bragging/gloating after you clearly blundered a winning position that caused you the game.
  4. General unsportsmanlike conduct/being a sore loser
  5. Bullying/acting like they’re better than their actual skill level.

And this type of behavior isn’t just common in the lower levels. I’ve seen it as high as the 17-1800s. Like is it really that hard to just be respectful?