Why non hindi speakers are being discriminated even in abroad?

24F doing masters in canada. Backstory: i was excited about going abroad and have some multicultural exposure, but most of them were Indians in my class. To give a rough idea, 80% only Indians and 20% other races (it’s a top university in Canada). Part of me was happy that i have company and there won’t be any racism but honestly i was left out while having conversation or making plans, 50% are from north India and the language they prefer speaking is hindi and 30% are telugu. The part which pissed me off was when we had a common group for university admits, some people started creating “gujarati group” “ Punjabi group” “Telugu group” and no one stepped up to create tamil group (glad they didn’t).

I am working in a well known shoe brand as part time sales associate. Indian people mostly come to me speaking in hindi. I politely tell them “Sorry, i don’t speak hindi. Is there anything i can help you with?” Few switch to english, few just walk away left me hanging and most people take it as offensive. Some give me weird looks, some try to question about my ethnicity like “where i am from” and “what language i speak”. There was one time a punjabi guy started having conversation in Punjabi with me. I simply told him that i don’t understand him, he asked me if i speak hindi and i told that i don’t speak hindi either. He asked my whereabouts, where i am from. When i said south india, chennai. His response was “why south indians are so ignorant and not take any initiative to learn hindi”. I got so mad, since i am working i just laughed it off. It happened same with few more people complaining south indians don’t speak hindi. I am in canada(which is clearly English speaking country) why do i have to learn hindi to feel included? Is anyone facing similar problem? What is your opinion on this matter? I am not trying to show any hatred against any community, just shared what i am facing.