Please help me find the tool that I need
So basically I’m looking for the extension in vs code that would fit my needs the best.
Little background I coded in highschool but don’t really remember anything so I can manage around in VS code but couldn’t write a single line of code. I mainly used Html,CSS,Js and Python.
I started to make a website (with html,css,js) when I saw how good deepseek was a ~week ago, proceeded with my project for some days than the servers were just unreachable.
After that I looked for alternatives and found Windsurf which helped me make more progress in like 4 hours with sonnet 3.5 than with deepseek in the browser which I’ve used for multiple days.
I really liked how their app looked mostly like VS and the Ai saw all of my code and could edit anything while understanding most of my prompts perfectly.
I used up my free trial and wanted to check out other alternatives since I think that $15/month for 500 prompts may not be enough especially in my case since I can’t really code and can mess up prompts.
I would prefer something inside VS code which I can use similarly to Windsurf preferably unlimited with maybe Sonnet, Deepseek or another model which can help me make my site ideas. I would want to pay $20/month max.
I tried cody but don’t like how it can’t see my project and I have to share every file one by one while having to accept and wait for all of its modifications.
So if you have any recommendations that could fit my need share your knowledge, otherwise I will have to stick with Windsurf/Codeium.