Just Curious, What is everyone who uses ChatGPT-4o for fictional prompts, world building, creative writing, etc hoping for when either ChatGPT-4.5 or ChatGPT-5 Comes Out

Hi there,

With the announcement of ChatGPT-4.5 or ChatGPT-5 being announced, I am very curious about what the ChatGPT-Plus users who use ChatGPT-4o for fictional prompts, world building, creative writing, etc are hoping for when ChatGPT-4.5 and ChatGPT-5 gets rolled out in the coming weeks and months.

To be honest, I am hoping that ChatGPT-4.5 or ChatGPT-5 would hopefully have a longer response length, introduce a toggle on whether a user would want standardized responses (Including: "Got it. Here’s your requested response with everything included exactly as specified.", "Certainly!", etc (other examples of this type of response)), bring back the Continue Generating Feature as it would be very helpful for the users whose response has been cut off and would like to continue the response prompt, and for Canvas (I am hoping that for the the Canvas modes editing feature, it does not send the new response as a new message, but sends it as a regenerated response like the normal regenerate feature (or in this case the switch model feature) seen in ChatGPT-4o. Please note that this is just a idea at the moment, and I am still refining it at the moment.)

Edit: I forgot to mention this, but I am hoping that ChatGPT-4.5 or ChatGPT-5 would stop giving me the time consuming/response constraint excuse every single time in a chat as whenever I start a chat and after a certain length in the chat, it gives me the time consuming/response constraint even though I made sure that it would not be too long and this chat is one that I recently started which kind of irks me a lot as in the past, it has never been a problem but recently, it decided to use the time consuming/response constraint as a excuse constantly which wasted my time on trying to get a response I want by constantly regenerating the response, but it says the same thing.