Has anyone else been having issues with ChatGPT being inordinately slow, both in prompts and memory formation, as well as an overall degradation in the quality of replies?
This post was previously removed by a moderator almost instantaneously without providing me any kind of notification as to why. It doesn't violate any of the rules as written, and the closest it could have is the rule about "is chatgpt down posts" but that is clearly not the case, so since I can see no logical reason for the removal, I reworded it and I am trying again. If you don't like it and don't want it it, please spend 15 seconds sending me a reason why and save us both some time. To reiterate, **I am NOT asking if ChatGPT is down.** EDIT: Apparently it took a few minutes for the overly aggressive automoderator to get around to explaining it's erroneous assumption, which it again repeated on this post.
On with the post.
I have a Plus subscription for what it's worth. Is it just me or is the system like, 8 times slower that it was a few weeks ago? Additionally, I feel the quality of the responses are worse than they were a month or two ago. This latency has been fairly steady for the last 2 or 3 weeks for me, it's definitely not just a intermittent issue, or related to peak usage. It's about the same during mid-day EST as well as early in the AM.
It now takes upwards of 15-45 seconds for each memory (regardless of brevity) and often the prompts type out slower than I could type it. Sometimes even slower, as much 1-2 minutes. Other times the responses don't even display, the field remains blank until it finishes the last character then it finally refreshes and shows up.
I've had performance complaints about it in the past, but not like this. Has anyone else noticed any changes? My instructions are much shorter and simpler than I've used in the past.