As much as people are complaining about Batman’s plot armor Joker has just as much if not MUCH more.

People complaining about Batman’s plot armor is pretty common now a days. And I will be the first to admit there is a lot of merit to that, seeing as the plot won’t let the man not beat the bad guy. However one point almost no one brings up is how much plot armor the Joker has. Obviously since he is Bats dark reflection he needs to have an equivalent amount of plot armor. And this being DC comics suspension of disbelief is mandatory to properly enjoy the comics they make and I am totally fine with that. But damn dude sometimes things just become too much for me.

If I recall correctly there was one time Harley left Batman with a choice after the Joker planted a bomb, either save the Joker or save her. And he chose her, one would think after tanking a point blank explosion like that he would be dead as dirt. The guy was in the epicenter of a building sized explosion just for reference. Not even a human being even in a comic book can survive that one. But NOPE.

The very next arch the man is magically alive. 😠Honestly that would be the PERFECT send off to his character but DC being the money hungry bastards they are just need to keep milking the Joker for all he is worth. With no explanation whatsoever. That really irritated me and made me stop reading Batman comics for a while. DC doing that totally invalidates Harley’s ultimatum to

Moreover how tf has no one shot this guy yet? I mean he murders hundreds. Irl if you kill one guy there is a very good chance the person you killeds father is going to come after your ass looking for retribution. And yet Joker never faces any sort of comeuppance for his crimes by the civilians, he isn’t a meta one gunshot and he is dead. Someone is going to hire Deadshot or some hitman to take this guy down. No one seems to give a damn when he murders a crazy amount of people which is mind boggling. Eventually he is going to kill a relative of a hero and some crazy powerful guy will want him dead.

Then there is absolutely nothing Batman can do to save his boyfriend. Ehh I take that back I forgot Batman is a batmanversal tier character whom according to DC can solo fiction my mistake. But hey Batman comics don’t sell if you don’t have the joker in it right? So he always survives. Good writing be damned. When in all reality he would do his usual Joker thing like one time and after that he is dead. But I guess the people of Gotham don’t give a damn a serial killer murders a few hundreds every week or so. All of them would get strapped to the nines after this happens once and then fight back. Look what happened after the George Floyd riots. Not even going to talk about how much of a joke the justice system in Gotham must be for Joker not to be executed by now.

Also his track record for doing impossible things so the plot can go forward is just as good as Batman’s. In one movie they decided to give the guy infinate bullets because he would be dead otherwise. There have been many times where logically this man should die in -2 seconds given how powerful the meta he is fighting is. But he just… doesn’t and somehow his bullets affect someone that can blow holes in concrete no problem??? Or he can shoot people who usually dodge bullets eaisily

Despite the fact the damage you can inflict = the force you can take according to Newton anyway. Unless stated otherwise of course. I could be wrong about that last point but it would not surprise me. Or he survives something that even a comic book human being would without question die to given how damaging it would be. I both understand and accept people in comics are way tougher than in our world that’s totally fine but Christ. Comic books usually get real unrealistic and rediculious as I look at them with adult eyes. Am I not supposed to think when reading these?