
TLDR: I need some explanations to fully embrace the Catholic faith

Fellow Christians! I was an atheist my whole life, but I've repented my sins and came to believe in Christ. I'm currently taking part in a local pentecostal church, but I'm wondering about the validity of it's theology and is the Catholic church the right one for me, because it does draw me.

I generally loved philosophy for years. I love the Catholic theology in the God being three transcendentals (truth, good/just and beauty), St Augustine and Aquinas' ways to God. C. S. Lewis and Chesterton are also my go to guys. My main quarrells are the following:

  1. Sola scriptura - how do we reconcile with this? What gives anything other than scripture authority in divine matters?
  2. Our Lady - was she a virgin her whole life? Why do we pray to her?
  3. Saints - why are they "privileged" in Heaven and in prayers?
  4. Purgatory - why does it exist if it's not stated in the Bible (tied to the quarrell number one)
  5. Spiritual gifts - why did they die together with the disciples?

If you have the time and will do give detailed answers (preferably with quotes) I'd really appreciate it.

Note: I'm also open for messaging. If you want to speak about it privately feel free to text me.