Any juicy gossip at work?

*** edit *** bloody heck this has blown up quickly. I had to turn alerts off as my phone was going haywire. I only started the thread as I was suffering from Monday blues and just bored. Thank you everyone for cheering me up on a Monday and making me realise phantom shitters are everywhere. Keep the stories coming ******

Obviously don’t mention real names or company name.

  • One place of work years ago we had a phantom shitter who would dump in the toilets but on the floor. We never found out who it was.

  • colleagues so obviously having an affair. He would visit from another office. They’d go out at the same time , disappear for an hour or so but then reappear at different times and from diffferent corners so as not to make it too obvious 😂

  • worked with someone who several years later got a lengthy prison sentence for child abuse. It’s the ones you least suspect.