Functional Med Doc for “Candida”

I’ve been posting and lurking here for 5 months trying to learn more about what I thought was an oral thrush infection. I was treated with Fluconazole and Nystatin for several months and had two negative fungal swabs. I spent TONS of money on supplements. Nonetheless, the white tongue and symptoms persisted. I was sure it was candida.

I started seeing a functional medicine doctor who began treating me for candida overgrowth based on my pictures and symptoms through diet and supplements. She ordered labs and a comprehensive stool test. We met again today and it turns out I have a very high level of bacterial overgrowth and no evidence or yeast/candida. She believes my “oral thrush” was actually due to bacteria overgrowth which was also caused by repeated use of antibiotics over the summer. My treatment plan was completely changed based on today’s results.

I’m irritated that I spent so much time and money trying to treat Candida when it LIKELY wasn’t. Don’t be dumb like I was and assume!