Is the USS 9 the next bp50?
I honestly never bothered to use the uss 9 since I hate how it sounds but started playing rank again (which I don’t do normally since I just get to legendary then go back to clan games and camo grinding since it takes so long to find matches) but I kept getting one and 2 shotted by people using the uss 9 so much so it wasn’t even fun to play. Lo and behold I thought to try and just use it and get gold for fun on domination. Every single match I play I’ve been absolutely destroying. Even when it with a huge group of mythic weapons on the other team. 3-4 bullets even across the map it’s ridiculous how OP this is. I haven’t gotten a weapon close to gold this fast since the bp50. The bp50 is now nerfed for me it is one of the harder gun to do well with but this USS is absolutely barnacles.