Brothers: please be careful out there 🙏
Y’all will have probably seen this on the other sub. Two dead. The young rider and teenage girl car driver.
The speeds this guy was doing would normally warrant a fist bump, but fuck me if he done fucked up and took out an innocent young lady too.
Sure, she shouldn’t have pulled across, but at the closing speed, she probably didn’t even register the bike until too late.
With the refresh rate of the vid, I’d put his impact speed at at least a buck, and you can hear him coming down from what must be the top of fourth or fifth. Possibly a buck fifty as he approaches the intersection?
This one hits hard because I have been this guy too many times… but I’m also a father now to a daughter who will one day soon be the same age as this poor young lady. It makes it all very real.
A momentary spike of bravado, together with a pause of hesitation as taken out two young lives and shattered their families.
Keep it rubber side down, my dudes 🙏