Help with gun permit
As title says; I need help with my gun permit in CT.
I lived in Virginia all my life until I moved in 2020. In 2019 I took a plea deal for a non-violent felony in Virginia. No jail time. Served my probation, did everything I was supposed to, etc. First and only offense ever on my record.
I recently petitioned to the VA court where I got sentenced; and got granted my full rights back to own firearms again. I have the letter from the judge.
I know Connecticut doesn’t allow felons to own guns. I did email the state police in Middletown but got no helpful info. They said “turn in paperwork you have and we’ll decide”.
I already have the local paperwork filled out. I know I need to complete the NRA course next; which I’m signing up for very soon. But would hate to go through all of this time and money, for CT just to say “nope”.
What does Reddit think? Any information is helpful