Is there anything I can do to help myself

I'm new to all this and I'm a bit stuck, I've been on a healing in inner child journey for a few months and normally when things get triggered I sit/cry with it releasing and I'm fine in a couple days. I've been on a low for a week now and I know I've got to sit with it and let the emotions move through me but I don't know if I'm just going in the opposite direction it seems to have a dark undertone this time, I'm trying to remind myself that it's all temporary but on the other hand I don't want to encourage myself to sit in the darkness too long so at what point do I need to pull myself out. Is there anything else I can do other than sit with it and let the emotions process? But on the other hand I also don't want to feel like I'm rushing myself because then I will just hit a wall and I won't feel safe to release, also if anyone have any guided meditation recs for this please link