How the hell are you supposed to feel prepared for FAR
For context, this is where I'm at:
Almost done with my review course (got Statement of Cash Flows, Partnerships, Government, NFP, and Business Combos left). Expect to be done with that remainder by Thursday. I do half the MCQs for each section after completing a section. The ones I'm "good" at I average around 80-90%. The meh ones 60-70%. But the ones I suckkkk at (looking at you Bonds and Stockholder's Equity)... it's rough.
I take the exam in exactly 2 weeks and I am struggling to retain all this info. Even after I feel confident immediately after solving an MCQ set once I start reviewing/studying other material I feel like my grasp on the other material start to loosen just because theres so much of it. I've passed AUD, and at least with that, all the information sort of ties together so my brain is able to sort of connect all the dots between the info. With FAR, it's like a bajillion disparate thoughts just floating around my brain.
My only glimmer of hope is that my avg score isn't that far off from AUD, and I felt nervous as hell going into AUD and somehow pulled off a really good score nonetheless, but I feel so much worse about FAR lol. Does anyone have general tips I should consider in my last 2 weeks? I've just been staring at my computer zoning out at the vast expansiveness that is this section and I just wanna hear any advice from people who are good at this lol.