Super achy and uncomfortable sitting/lying down - what helps?

Merry Christmas everyone! This is Day 8 in quarantine. I tested positive for Covid on Tuesday, but my symptoms started last week Saturday (I am doubled vaxxed). I had a pretty mild case, thank god. A little fever for two days, cough and stuffy nose for another two days, pressure in my head for a day or two BUT on Day 5 I noticed that I am soooo achy! Idk if it’s from constantly lying either in bed or on the couch, but it is so bad sometimes that I have to get up just to walk around my house. Movement seems to help, so I’ve been stretching, doing slow yoga flows concentrating on hips, etc. Does anyone else experience this? If so, what helps? Any meds? I can barely finish a movie because the “pain” gets so annoying.