Unified progression is ruining zombies.

First of all I just want to say I've enjoyed playing bo6, but it isnt without its problems and this is something I've had on my mind since Cold War came out, so I feel like I need to rant about it and everything I say, of course, is entirely my own opinion.

(This is going to be a long one so TL;DR - attaching zombies to the other modes in the game was a bad move, and because of that I feel treyarch is limited in what they can provide within the mode and it only hurts the players experience.)

I feel like the unified progression - where you level up and progress across all modes regardless of which one you play - has somewhat ruined/tainted the zombies experience for me. It seems like a good idea as a concept, but imo I think it has been ruining what makes zombies such a fun and enjoyable mode and i hope I'm able to get my point across the way I want to but its 2am, and i am very sleep deprived so i doubt that. But anyway, because everything has to be balanced between all 3 modes (multiplayer, zombies, and warzone), Treyarch obviously and understandably, don't want one group of players to have an obscene advantage over others, so in turn the zombie devs - whether they want to or not - have been forced to tone down the craziness of the zombies mode.

Like, every iteration of zombies from WaW to Bo4 had this massively satisfying nature to it, and to me it only got better with every game. We had mind blowing and fun wonder weapons, the introduction of AAT's which meant you could use basically any gun you want - pick ur favs and thrive, and not to mention training - literally the most iconic tech in zombies that revolutionised the mode and paved the way to success. All of this (again, imo) has been missing since Cold War - the introduction of unified progression within zombies. Training is absolutely no longer viable in bo6, the movement just doesnt work. We haven't had a single iconic wonder weapon since, I'd say the Gauntletts in ancient evil. The swords while cool are a massive let down in terms of power and longevity, the same can be said for the beamsmasher and while the jetgun is a step in the right direction its far off the mark. The best and most viable weapons we get nowadays are what - a couple of pistols and a rocket launcher? Any fun strat the community finds that beckons back to the satisfying nature of the mode in previous games, Treyarch patches/nerfs because its too overpowered or "unbalanced" - which I feel is inevitable for the most recent droplet of fun being the trap strat in citadelle. It's like they see what the community enjoy and like in the game, but they can't give it to us because of the way the games are built nowadays.

Its not like i want to be some overpowered unkillable God, I just wish the mode was allowed to be fun and unique again. When I think about my main problems with modern zombies, my mind always goes to the progression system of these games being a key factor in some of the decisions that the devs make and brings around a heap of issue that the community has never had to deal with until recently. I feel like it severely puts a hard limit on what we can expect from the mode, and what the devs will be able to provide in the future. I know that this mode is capable of providing so much more than it currently is for me, but don't see that happening because everything in the mode now has to be balanced around and take into account the rest of the game.

I could be way off base here and seem like a complete idiot and if I am, I'm more than willing to take the hate that comes with posting this lmao but this is just how I've felt about the mode for a while and it all kinda turned into a massive ramble, I can only apologise if anyone actually took the time to read all of this slop lmao