This college has the most inefficient and arrogant financial aid office I've ever seen.

I transferred from another cuny college, so this is my first semester there. But at the beginning of the semester, the amount of financial aid shown on CUNY FRIST was the lowest I've ever seen. So I went to the financial aid office shortly after school started to inquire, and one of their staff told me that I just had to wait and come back to them next month. By the beginning of March, I went back to them and they told me at this time that I needed to submit my tax return form to have my EFC reviewed. As for my TAP, they said I was not entitled to receive it, they said because of ENGL 21007 It's not a required course for me. I asked them to look at the computer science course requirements and they said they didn't care about it. I later contacted my advisor and forwarded the email with her, and they considered giving me TAP. I asked them why the TAP amount was only $84, and they said the amount would be updated when my EFC appeal is approved. They didn't review and approve my appeal until the 7th of this month. But until today, the amount of my tap on cunyfrist is still 84 US dollars, but it is shown as more than 1,900 US dollars on the NYTAP website. I want to contact them by email, But I found that my email address has been blocked by them. The same goes for Emergency Grant. I applied for and submitted a series of debt collection letters for medical bills at the end of February, but when I contacted them the day before yesterday, they responded to me saying that the funds had been exhausted. Just tell me to apply again next semester. What a joke.