looking for cat litter recommendations (unscented please)
Hi everyone. My mom’s been obsessed with those super cute cat reels(she shares them with everyone she can). So I gave her an adorable munchkin on her birthday a few weeks ago. Dont worry we had the whole discussion, though she hasn’t had an indooor pet before. Mom is also fussy about cat/litter smells and that was the biggest reason she has never kept a cat before. And now it’s on me to get her a cat litter and help her out with things for a while so she can get used to them. The kitty is around 3-4 lbs but he’ll probably grow to 7 to 8 lbs I think. I personally have only had outdoor cats from when we had our own farm and I need some good recommendations on unscented cat litter. Also help me with anything else I should know about cat litter. tons of thanks in advance.
Edit: hey all, thanks for awesome suggestions…. will make sure my mom gets all your lovely ideas. Saw all your recommendations and I’ll be going for Tuft&paw first and see how it goes.