Kittens won’t stop dropping massive logs of shit everywhere

These kitties are 1 month old, I got them last Friday from some random guy selling kitties for $100 each. He told me they were litter trained and completely healthy, so of course I bought them because why be $200 richer when you can be $200 poorer? Jk I need a financial advisor

Anyway, I brought these two little kitties home expecting them to know how to use the litter box. Turns out they don’t and turns out you should also never trust an old man from a little town in a pickup truck. These two don’t know what the hell a litter box is.

The first time I put them in there they SLEPT in there. I was like huh?? Then I picked them up and they were slathered in shit like it was lavender scented lotion. I thought they were just nervous so the next time I put them in there I stayed for a bit before I got a call. I came back to them EATING the litter like it was a five course meal. I’m talking paws covered in piss with litter clinging to their mouths and crunching as though they had never been fed. I had JUST fed them mind you, like I promise you are not that hungry??? I think?? I hope??

Then I noticed it stank. Reeked soooo bad. I looked around for a bit and THERE WERE MASSIVE LOGS OF SHIT EVERYWHERE. Lord help me. Lord have mercy. Yesterday entailed a one hour shit log clean up and a massive (lol) cry sesh. What do I do about them?? How do I train them?? Please help me

TLDR; Kitties won’t stop dropping massive shit logs all over the house and it’s stinking up the place. What do I do pls help