Heart Sutra study!
I just spent a week in retreat on the Heart Sutra (Condensed Perfection Of Wisdom). We focused our meditations mostly on the section where Avalokiteshvara expounds the Four Profundities “form is empty, emptiness is form, etc., and then meditated on the emptiness of the body and the emptiness of the self. I by no means had a “realization” but I did gain a much more solid understanding of how ridiculous my “selves” which are angry, annoyed, selfish, etc. convince me that they are my “real“ self and so cause me to engage in negative actions. It was by turns hilarious, and terrifying to see. Being surrounded by other practitioners working on the same issues was incredibly healing and gave me a sense of hope. I wish that all sentient beings find a sangha and study these precious teachings for the benefit of themselves and others. If you are fortunate enough to have teachers, perhaps you can request a similar event.
Tayatha Om Gate Gate Paragte Parasamgate Bohdi Söha