Is Briar top still viable? (Noxus season)

I play top a lot more than jungle (especially with the new changes being Feats of Strength) and Briar is an amazing champion so far. Titanic Hydra, Sterrak and Spirit Visage are usually my go to items since my pre-made OTP team comp lacks tankier champions but I feel like I'm missing something.

Despite having 800k maestry already as well as watching LoganJG videos and following CrimsonL guides I still struggle against certain matchups a lot and feel horribly useless later in the game to the point of making me reconsider my champion choice and doubt overall gaming abilities (for reference my rank is somewhere between plat and emerald lately and that's perhaps my peak)

A new ranked season has started and I'm really eager to OTP Briar top. I would be really grateful for any tips, advice, strategies or mentorship