Your first love leaves an imprint on your brain - that’s why it’s hard to get over them, but doesn’t mean it’s impossible
I was reading an article on this and honestly I feel like the more people have this type of mindset, we’d see less pain and more growth. Our neurological responses to love, especially ones that start at adolescence, is like a literal drug. And that isn’t even a figure of speech. Dopamine, the brains award system, is released when feeling surges pleasure. It brings us into a state of mind where we constantly want to do the things we like over, and over, and over again. As a matter of fact, dopamine is the primary neurological response for feelings like attraction and passion. Hell, you can be so in love that you can’t even eat or sleep! When we are pursing a relationship with a person we truly love, it’s at an all time high, making it feel more rewarding than anything else. Just know that mind over matter is truly at play when getting over someone that you’ve cared about at such a deep, emotional level. It’s like going to rehab to get over addiction. You know better, you know you deserve better, AND IT WILL GET BETTER. Give yourself the time you need, and don’t be afraid to reach out to others and even seek emotional therapy! Just remember your brain is going to play a bunch of mind games during this season in your life, but it doesn’t mean those doors won’t open again to someone new :)