Boyfriend broke up with me during an extremely difficult time in my life. Now I’m afraid of everything.
Over the last month, I found out I had been emotionally neglected by my family my whole life, weaned off of my antidepressants due to severe medical complications, got a new job due to a shitty boss, navigated a sabotage attempt by said shitty boss then got yelled at by my boyfriend because I said I wished he stood up for me and protected me. Now I need to throw in a move I can’t afford and $2000 of intensive trauma therapy because my mental health has been absolutely eviscerated and I’m trying to stay alive. I worked hard to build skills and make my former severe depression and anxiety symptoms negligible, now I’ve had a full relapse with debilitating symptoms of Anxiety, depression, and ptsd.
I’m terrified of men, myself, and ever dating again. Men were not kind to me or my family growing up, and my ex was the first and only man to give me a chance. Even at his worst moments where he yelled and insulted me, he was still the kindest man I’d ever met. Now I can’t stop blaming myself for everything that went wrong even if it isn’t true. I haven’t been able to sleep well and I start a new job next week. I can barely sleep or think straight and I’m so afraid every day.